Ryan Prestil

Ryan Prestil headshotRyan Prestil, of Janesville, Wisconsin, is studying at the University of Cambridge beginning in the fall of 2016.

Ryan graduated with majors in biology (neurobiology option) and mathematics, a Certificate of Excellence in Stem Cell Sciences, and the honors in research designation from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. For the past three years, he has worked alongside Kris Saha, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, conducting stem cell bioengineering research and coauthoring two publications. He received a Hilldale Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 2014 and completed a research internship at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany in 2015. Ryan was president of the Student Society for Stem Cell Research on campus. He also helped found the UW-Madison Journal for Undergraduate Science and Technology.