Murphy’s law: Make materials with biology in mind

As an undergraduate student majoring in physics at Illinois Wesleyan University, William Murphy took exactly one biology course: Biology 101. Two decades later, he’s built a career around creating what he calls “bio-inspired” materials such as tissues for drug modeling and bone regeneration. Murphy, the Harvey D. Spangler Professor of biomedical engineering and orthopedics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, looks to nature for insights on his designs.

Sisters pioneer new kidney transplant at UW that includes immune system

An article in the Wisconsin State Journal described the first combined kidney and hematopoietic stem cell transplant at UW-Madison. Members of the multidisciplinary team that made the breakthrough possible included SCRMC member Peiman Hematti, MD, professor, Hematology, Medical Oncology and Palliative Care, as well as Kristi Schneider, APRN-BC, APNP, director of transplant clinical trials, Department of Surgery, Robert Redfield III, MD, assistant professor, Department of Surgery, and Kristin Bradley, MD, associate professor, Department of Human Oncology.