Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center Graduate Student Association (SCRMC GSA)
The Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center Graduate Student Association (SCRMC GSA) was initially founded in 2009 by a group of junior stem cell researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) and was previously known as the Wisconsin Stem Cell Roundtable (WiSCR).The goals of SCRMC GSA are to provide a casual scientific forum to foster interaction, collaboration, dialogue, and support for graduate students and post-doctorate fellows at UW–Madison and also provide outreach to educate the public about stem cells and current research in the field.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Training Award
The SCRMC Research Training Awards were established in 2008 to recognize and provide support for promising graduate students and postdoctoral fellows conducting stem cell and regenerative medicine research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.