Career Enhancement Opportunity Exploration (CEO) Program at UW-Madison facilitates graduate students’ participation in internships in career environments outside of academic research. We anticipate that students will make informed decisions about which of the many career paths to pursue post graduation. The program consists of two main components: the CEO training component and the CEO internship.
Quick Facts about CEO
- All graduate students with a research focus related to stem cells and regenerative medicine are eligible to be part of the program.
- The internship can be 6 weeks to 6 months in length.
- A student must have passed their qualifying exams or equivalent and must be in good academic standing to be eligible for the CEO program.
- The PI and the Graduate Program Director have discretion in deciding if a CEO internship is appropriate for a student. The CEO program is not a requirement and PI’s are not obligated to allow their students to participate in program. Approval of their PI and the Graduate Program Director are required for student participation in the program.
- The training component of CEO consists of a 2-credit course (BME 601).
Find the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here or contact Sue Gilbert.