Proposal Call: Catalyze Multi-Investigator Funding of Research on Blood Stem and Progenitor Cells Using Single-Cell and Multi-omic Technologies

The SCRCM Blood Research Program is announcing a call for funding to support projects utilizing multi-omics and single-cell biology to conduct basic and translational studies on blood stem/progenitor cells. We are requesting applications to two programs involving single-cell and multi-omic technologies applied to cutting-edge problems in blood stem and progenitor cell biology/pathology:

  • Catalyzing multi-PI projects that are competing for substantial extramural funding with budgets up to $80K (two awards).
  • Single PI projects to generate preliminary data to catalyze future extramural funding with budgets up to $20K (two awards).

Blood Research Program members interested in applying should submit a one-page Specific Aims page (NIH formatting, excluding references) and a brief description (no more than a paragraph) describing efforts to develop extramural funding to support the research by November 15, 2024 to

The proposed projects must fit the following criteria:

  • The funding period is 1 year, estimated starting date of January 1, 2025. The proposed project should be completed within the 1-year timeframe with submission of a final report.
  • At least one PI for the proposal must be a member of the SCRMC blood group.
  • Submit NIH Biosketch and Other Support documents for each PI.
  • A plan for sharing omics datasets with SCRMC investigators
  • Proposed expenditures in a simplified table format. No faculty salary support is allowed.