Stem cell progress: Moving from basic discovery to medical benefits

An international conference held in Madison last April offered an enticing glimpse into the future of stem cell therapies. Organized by UW-Madison stem cell pioneer James Thomson, the event showcased human clinical trials under way for cellular therapies to treat Parkinson’s disease, macular degeneration, heart failure, diabetes and spinal cord injury.

After 20 years, stem cells mean business in Wisconsin

On Nov. 6, 1998, developmental biologist James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin–Madison published a paper describing how his team had grown human embryonic stem cells. These cells exist at the earliest stages of development and are “pluripotent” — able to differentiate into every one of the more than 200 specialized cell types in the human body.

Randolph Ashton named SCRMC associate director

Randolph Ashton, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, is the new associate director for UW–Madison’s Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center. He joins Timothy Kamp, center director and professor of medicine, cell and regenerative biology, and succeeds William Murphy, professor …

New Publication: 20 Years of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research: It All Started with Five Lines

November 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the seminal human embryonic stem cell (hESC) publication, which reported the initial hESC derivations and launched the field of human pluripotent stem cell research. To commemorate this significant milestone, we reflect on the scientific, economic, and clinically relevant impact of this groundbreaking achievement.

Stem Cells @ 20: Students find inspiration, support in UW–Madison’s stem cell community

When Kaivalya Molugu was considering graduate schools, she knew she was interested in stem cell research, but she had to decide where to apply. The answer soon became clear: the place where it all began. One of the main reasons she chose UW–Madison “is the strong stem cell research center here,” says Molugu, a biophysics research assistant at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and a trainee with the UW’s Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center (SCRMC).