Our Seminar Lab Series is offered in hybrid format
- The in-person seminar is being held at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, DeLuca Forum.
- There will be sandwiches provided again this term!! Come join us!
—————– - To join online, please click the zoom link below:
- https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/96958883460?pwd=bWVHbEdWdGxQdHMyOVkxTHV5UW9mdz09
- *if you are asked for a passcode: 936743
- https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/96958883460?pwd=bWVHbEdWdGxQdHMyOVkxTHV5UW9mdz09
Talk Title:
“Physiological DNA Damage in the Breast and Uterus.”
Lindsay Hinck, PhD
Distinguished Professor, Co-Director: Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (IBSC)
University of California Santa Cruz
directory: https://mcd.ucsc.edu/faculty/hinck.html